Update a service request for an integration.
The Propexo unique identifier for the service request
The Propexo unique identifier for the service request category
The Propexo unique identifier for the service request priority
The Propexo unique identifier for the service request location
The Propexo unique identifier for the service request problem
A description of the service request
Primary phone number associated with the service request
Secondary phone number associated with the service request
The primary email address associated with the service request
The scheduled start date associated with the request.
The due date associated with the service request
The Propexo unique identifier for the unit
The Propexo unique identifier for the vendor
The Propexo unique identifier for the lease
The category of service request
The date the service request was completed
The date the service request was created
Details about the service request
The due date associated with the service request
The date the service request is scheduled
The raw status associated with the service request
Closing notes associated with the service request
The Propexo unique identifier for the service request status
The Propexo unique identifier for the employee
The name of the person who reported this service request
The Propexo unique identifier for the resident
The priority level associated with the service request
Successful response
The ID of the job created to handle this operation