Create a resident for an integration.
The Propexo unique identifier for the lease
The last name of the resident. This value maps to both the LastName and PrimaryContact.LastName properties of the Tenant object
The first name of the resident. This value maps to both the FirstName and PrimaryContact.FirstName properties of the Tenant object
The primary email address for the resident. This value maps to the PrimaryContact.Email property of the Tenant object
The secondary email address for the resident. This value maps to the altEmail property of the Contact object
The date of birth of the resident. This value maps to the PrimaryContact.DateOfBirth property of the Tenant object.
Street address for the resident. This maps to the Street property of the primary address of the Tenant object
Second line of the street address for the resident. This maps to the address2 property of the Contact object
City of the resident’s primary address
State of the resident’s primary address
Zip/Postal Code of the resident’s primary address
Country of the resident’s address. This maps to the country property of the Contact object
Secondary/alternate street address for the resident. This maps to the Street property of the second address of the Tenant object
Second line of the secondary/alternate street address for the resident. This maps to the AlternateAddress.AddressLine2 property of the Tenant object
City of the resident’s secondary/alternate address
State of the resident’s secondary/alternate address
Zip/Postal Code of the resident’s secondary/alternate address
Country of the resident’s secondary/alternate address.
Notes about the resident
Primary phone number for the resident. Depending on the value of phone_1_type, this may map to the properties fax, homePhone, mobilePhone, or workPhone.
The type of the primary phone. Must be one of ‘HOME’, ‘MOBILE’, ‘WORK’, or ‘FAX’
Secondary phone number for the resident. Depending on the value of phone_1_type, this may map to the properties fax, homePhone, mobilePhone, or workPhone.
The type of the secondary phone. Must be one of ‘HOME’, ‘MOBILE’, ‘WORK’, or ‘FAX’
The middle name of the resident. This value maps to the PrimaryContact.MiddleName property of the Tenant object
The Propexo unique identifier for the property
How often the resident is expected to pay rent. Allowed values are “monthly”, “weekly”, and “daily”. Maps to the RentPeriod property of the Tenant object.
Day of the month on which the tenant’s rent is due. Maps to the RentDueDay property of the Tenant object
Attachment files for user defined fields on the resident. All the files can have a maximum combined file size of 50 MB
Deprecated: Field is no longer applicable
Successful response
The ID of the job created to handle this operation