Update a property for an integration.
The ID of the resource.
The Propexo unique identifier for the property
The abbreviation of the property. Example: PROP1
The name of the property. Example: Property 1
The first address line associated with the property
The second address line associated with the property
The zip code associated with the property
The city associated with the property
The county associated with the property
The state associated with the property
The country associated with the property
The website URL associated with the property
The size of the property in square feet
Whether or not the property is currently active
General notes about the property
The year the property was built
The category of the property. This is from a limited set of data that the PMS requires.
The type of the property. This is from a limited set of data that the PMS requires.
Successful response
The ID of the job created to handle this operation